This is the second time that Mr. Oleksandr has turned to a lawyer of the Kovel Legal Aid Bureau, which is supported by DRC, to obtain a state-issued death certificate. In January, the lawyer helped him to establish the fact of his mother's death in court, and in April, the fact of the death of Mr. Oleksandr's father had to be established.
The only documents he had were copies of medical death certificates and a copy of the death certificate issued in the non-government controlled areas.
Therefore, the only way to obtain a state-issued death certificate was to go to court to establish the fact of Mr. Oleksandr's father's death. The lawyer helped him draft an application to the court and accompanied him all the way to obtaining the certificate at the civil registry office.
The court considered the application for establishing the fact of death and fully satisfied it, and Mr. Oleksandr managed to obtain a state-issued death certificate for his father based on the decision. Now he has the opportunity to receive a burial allowance and inheritance.
Free legal aid is provided by the Western Interregional Center for Free Legal Aid in cooperation with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) with funding from the European Union's civil protection and humanitarian aid.
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