This winter, Tetiana, an elderly IDP who now lives in Cherkasy, was denied financial assistance under the state program of winter heating. Confused, the woman turned to Oksana, a senior lawyer at Caritas Mariupol, for legal assistance.
In early December 2024, she sent an application for assistance through Diia, but was denied because, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS), she was outside Ukraine. The woman turned to the migration service on her own, but they did not help her and referred her to the border guards. A lawyer helped her obtain information from the State Border Guard Service.
Ms. Tetyana last crossed the state border of Ukraine in 2018 and returned 10 days later, but her passport had no stamps or marks.
In response to a request to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, enclosing Ms. Tetyana's passports and IDP certificate, she received a response containing the dates of her border crossing and return to Ukraine in 2018. With this information, the lawyer helped her to contact Diia to correct the information and apply for financial assistance.
As a result of all the actions taken, the financial assistance was granted and the funds have already been received by the woman.
Receiving free legal aid by IDPs in Cherkasy region became possible thanks to the cooperation of Caritas Mariupol with the Danish Refugee Council and funding from the European Union.
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