A private entrepreneur (auto-entrepreneur) is a person who establishes his or her own enterprise (micro-entreprise) for the purpose of commercial, handicraft or free professional activity.
A private entrepreneur can also have the following statuses: “micro-entrepreneur”, ‘travailleur indépendant’ or sometimes ‘freelance’.
Advantages of being a private entrepreneur:
With the status of a private entrepreneur annual turnover (i.e., money received in 1 year) should not exceed:
If you exceed these limits, you are obliged to change the status of the company.
Disadvantages of the status:
Step-by-step instructions for registration:
All the main stages of the company's existence, from the beginning (déclaration) to the termination of its activities (cessation), as well as changes, must be carried out on the website: https://formalites.entreprises.gouv.fr
This site is a “single point of access”. You can find a lot of useful information in the “S'informer” section at the top left of the page.
To start your microenterprise, click «Déclarer» («Declare»)and you will go to the site INPI.
Then, within INPI Connect, click “Première visite? Créez-vous un compte“ (”First time? Create an account").
You can also sign in with your username and password via FranceConnect* using an account you already have (e.g., a tax or health insurance account).
At the end, you will receive a link by email to verify your account. You have 5 days to follow the link and confirm your account.
Once your account is verified, log back into your personal space on the site.
In the Entreprises section, click “Déposer une formalité de création d'entreprise” (“Submit a company formation”). Then click the “Créer une entreprise” button.
To register as a sole proprietor, at the beginning of the procedure, you must choose the format of the enterprise to be created - “Entrepreneur individuel” (“Individual entrepreneur”).
Once your private enterprise is officially established, you will receive a registration number: SIREN (9 digits) and SIRET (SIREN + 5 additional digits, i.e. 14 digits in total).
These two numbers are unique and allow you to identify your company. Both numbers act as an entrepreneur's identity card and are requested for all administrative procedures.
You will also receive an APE (activité principale exercée) code, a 4-digit + 1 letter code that identifies the main activity of the microenterprise. The APE code is also sometimes called the “NAF code” (Nomenclature des Activites Francaises).
For the day-to-day management of your microenterprise, you must create your personal account on the website: autoentrepreneur.urssaf.fr.
Everything is explained here.
URSSAF (Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d'Allocations Familiales) - is a social security and family benefits levy union that registers and collects contributions and social security from businesses.
In your personal account, you have access to all URSSAF services for private entrepreneurs:
It is on the website autoentrepreneur.urssaf.fr you can apply for ACRE in parallel with the establishment of your own company, without waiting for the receipt of documents.
To read the terms and conditions and make a request, please visit this page.
If the answer is yes, you will receive a certificate of enrollment in ACRE.
If the answer is no, URSSAF will explain the reasons why.
If you do not receive a response within 30 days, the decision is considered positive.
*See Réfugiés.info's post “Connect to a website with FranceConnect”.
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