Starting from 29 January 2025, Ukraine introduced a programme to provide rental subsidies for internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have lost or been forced to leave their homes due to the war. This programme is aimed at providing financial assistance to vulnerable IDPs to cover rental costs and also provides for compensation of a portion of taxes paid by landlords.
According to Oksana Zholnovych, Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, the rental subsidy allows for consideration of both the financial capacity of each family to pay rent and the cost of rent in different regions. In addition, formalisation of lease relations will contribute to the legal protection of both tenants and landlords, preventing unjustified rent increases or evictions, and minimising the risk of non-payment of rent or utilities.
The programme is being implemented as part of a two-year pilot project throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the occupied territories and areas of active hostilities.
1. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) who:
2. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs (IEs) who are landlords, provided that:
You can apply for a subsidy:
Instructions for submitting an application online through the Pension Fund of Ukraine's electronic services web portal can be found here.
The documents must be submitted by the homeowner and the internally displaced person. If the homeowner is abroad, the documents can be submitted through the Pension Fund's electronic services portal.
An example of calculating a subsidy for an IDP family of four (working husband and wife, two minor children) renting an apartment in Dnipro for UAH 14,000 per month, with a total income of UAH 24,000 per month:
Step 1. Calculation of the maximum cost of renting an apartment
UAH 193.6 x 54.60 sq m x 1.16 = UAH 12261.85.
Step 2. Calculating the mandatory payment percentage for the family
24000 грн / 4 / 2920 грн / 2 х 20% = 20,55%
Step 3. Multiply the average monthly gross household income by the mandatory payment percentage for the household
24000 UAHх 20,55 % = 4932,0 UAH
Step 4. The difference between the maximum cost of rent and the received value is the amount of the subsidy
12261,85 UAH— 4932,0 UAH= 7329,85 UAH.
Example: an individual rents out a 30 m² apartment to an IDP family (2 persons) in Kyiv, the rent is UAH 8,000 per month.
Maximum (estimated) rent
193,6 х 35,22 х 1,22 = 8318,68 UAH
Tax liabilities:
Personal income tax (18%): 1,440 UAH/month (4,320 UAH/quarter)
Military duty (1.5%): 400 UAH/month (1,200 UAH/quarter)
Total: 1,840 UAH/month (5,520 UAH/quarter)
Maximum rent: UAH 193.6 × 35.22 × 1.22 = UAH 8,318.68
Since the maximum rent (UAH 8,318.68) is higher than the actual rent (UAH 8,000), the compensation covers the entire amount of taxes and fees - UAH 1,840/month (UAH 5,520/quarter).
This information material has been produced as part of a project implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) with funding from the European Union's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or DRC. Neither the European Commission nor the DRC can be held responsible for the content of this material.
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