The institution of fundamental human rights has emerged in its modern form, but its foundations began to take shape in the days of Ancient Greece and Rome. The spread of monarchies and other forms of government with concentrated power in the hands of a limited number of people in Europe did not help popularize the ideas of equality. Only after the first French Revolution did the situation begin to change gradually. The concept acquired its modern form in the 20th century after World War II.
Human rights are the principles and norms that define the standards and conditions of life of a particular individual and the entire democratic society in general. The principle of their observance should be enshrined in international and national legislation. In addition to the declaration itself in legal acts, there should be a mechanism to ensure such observance and protection in case of violation.
The national legislation of Ukraine, namely Article 3 of the Constitution, provides for the following:
“A person, his or her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.
Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the content and focus of the state's activities. The state is accountable to the individual for its activities. Affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state.”
Also, all people are free and equal in their dignity and rights, which are considered inalienable and inviolable.
More specific constitutional human rights are set out in the second section of the Constitution. The list of human and civil rights is not exhaustive; the list may be supplemented if necessary. At the international level, the fundamental nature and importance of the principle is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. They can be called conventional.
There are several types of human rights. All of them are important for the normal existence of a person.
They provide opportunities for human biological existence, preservation of mental health, worldview and spirituality. Thus, a person has the right to life, liberty and security of person, respect for dignity, free development of personality, freedom of worldview and religion, movement, etc.
They protect a person as a citizen of a particular state from violations by state authorities and secure the opportunity to participate in political life. Civil rights include the rights to access information, freedom of association, participation in the management of public affairs, access to public service, peaceful assembly, citizens' appeals, etc.
Enshrine and ensure an appropriate level of social life and development. This includes the right to work and rest, medical care and healthcare, education, social security, etc.
They define human and civil rights and freedoms in the area of distribution, exchange and use of material goods, as well as other opportunities in the area of production and trade. These include the right to own, use and dispose of their property, the results of their intellectual and creative activity, engage in production activities, etc.
The main responsibilities are also enshrined in the Constitution:
The rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens are inextricably linked. Some responsibilities are acquired upon reaching a certain age, for example, the defense of the Motherland. And some - from the moment of acquiring a new status: for example, with the receipt of a driver's license and the acquisition of driver's status, a person acquires driver's responsibilities.
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