DRC conducts a series of trainings for local government officials on various aspects of youth policy. The first of them took place in the Vyshhorod community and was devoted to the preparation of youth projects and the involvement of young people in the life of the community. Emphasis was placed on understanding the needs of young people and establishing communication with them.
The training was attended by specialists who are directly involved in the process of involving young people of various ages to active participation in the life of the Vyshgorod community, in particular, employees of local educational institutions of various degrees, services for children and families, and other employees who work with young people in the territory community
All participants actively expressed their opinions about the problems they face when communicating with young people, which forms of youth participation they use in their activities, which alternative forms are considered the most effective. With the support of DRC specialists, the participants developed and presented concepts of youth projects that, in their opinion, would be successful in the Vyshgorod community, actively discussed the latest youth projects of other communities, which the trainers presented during the event.
The participants also considered the main and alternative forms of youth participation in the life of the community, practiced the skills of involving young people in youth projects, taking into account the method of the American psychologist Roger Hart "Steps of participation", considered the standards of the Council of Europe on the formation and implementation of youth policy at the local and regional levels etc.
The trainings are held in the communities of Kyiv and Lviv regions as part of the project "Civil Society Promotes Sustainability in Ukraine", implemented by the Consortium led by the Danish Red Cross in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council and Dignity with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
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