Confirmation of the right to use and privatize housing

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Svitlana turned to the lawyer of the public organization "MART", a partner of the DRC. The woman has been living in the Chernigov dormitory for many years, which was damaged in March 2022 as a result of hostilities on the territory of the community.

In August 2022, the hostel was transferred to the communal ownership of the territorial community of Chernihiv, and the city council allowed the residents of the hostel to privatize housing in the building, in particular, those who had an order for the corresponding residential premises. Svitlana was among those residents who could not privatize a room due to the necessary permission.

When reviewing the documents, the lawyer of the NGO "MART" received a legal justification of the right of a woman to use housing in a dormitory, by which the protocol or decision of the trade union organization, adopted at the employee's place of work, on the provision of a room in the dormitory belonging to this organization for use, is equated to an order and provided . the right to use residential premises allocated on its basis.

In addition, the lawyer helped Svitlana collect a complete package of documents, make an appeal to the Chernihiv City Council substantiating the woman's position, and provide support in the case at the stage of consideration of the application for granting the right to housing.

Thus, the Chernihiv City Council recently decided to secure a room in the dormitory for Svitlana and her family members and granted permission to the resident and her family to privatize the home.

Free legal aid in the Chernihiv region is provided by the NGO "MART" in cooperation with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and at the expense of funding within the framework of civil protection and humanitarian aid of the European Union.


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