Who is exempt from mobilization in 2024

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Law No. 3892-IX is immediately announced through the media and comes into force on August 12, 2024. Thus, the term of martial law in Ukraine has been extended from 5:30 a.m. on August 12, 2024 for 90 days, and the term of general mobilization has been extended for 90 days from August 12.

Persons with medical conditions

This condition is relevant for people with disabilities of all groups and a wide range of diseases:

  • cardiovascular problems;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mental disorders.

The list of diseases for exemption from mobilization is quite extensive. The main requirement is that the diagnosis must be confirmed by the MSEC or the MEC. Depending on the degree of the problem, a person liable for military service may be fit, temporarily unfit, partially fit or completely unfit for military service.

Who can get a deferral

To be exempted from mobilization for health reasons, an illness must be accompanied by a significant impairment of functions that significantly reduce the quality of life, partially or completely deprive one of legal capacity, are not treatable, and require lifelong medication. However, each organ and system has its own list of criteria: only after the examination, the commission assesses the medical indications for exemption from mobilization and makes a final decision.

Family circumstances

Men with at least three dependent children are not subject to conscription. However, if there are alimony debts, the basic requirement is considered to be unfulfilled, so there is no chance of a deferral. Who is exempt from mobilization? The following men are not subject to conscription:

  • sole guardian;
  • a parent of a minor child with a disability or serious illness;
  • adopter of orphans or children deprived of care.

The exemption from mobilization for family reasons provides for the care of a close relative - a spouse, child, parent, with a disability group I or II or recognized as incapacitated in court. However, only if this task cannot be performed by another family member. For example, if a family has a brother and sister, even if their mother has a disability of the first group, the grounds for exemption from mobilization are insufficient: the one of the children who is not subject to conscription can take care of them, even if he refuses this duty. And the man's deferral will be valid only if his sister is already serving in the Armed Forces.

What has changed for the third disability group

Currently, the list of diseases for exemption from mobilization has been approved, which is relevant for the third group. Husbands are not subject to conscription if their wives have the same disease:

  • one of the paired organs or a limb is missing, including the hands and feet;
  • oncology;
  • психічний розлад;
  • церебральний параліч.

Previously, any group was eligible, but now the first and second groups are granted full exemption, and the list for the third group is strictly detailed: only certain diseases are allowed to be exempted from mobilization.

Additional conditions for obtaining a deferral

If servicemen are killed or go missing during combat operations, their family members are exempt from conscription. Those who have been released from captivity can return to service only at their own request. They are also on the list of those entitled to exemption from mobilization:

  • students of professional, vocational and higher education institutions of full-time or dual enrollment;
  • researchers, university professors with a scientific degree, as well as teachers and lecturers, provided they are employed at least 0.75 times the rate;
  • certain categories of civil servants.

Among those who are exempted from mobilization are persons who are employed at critical enterprises and organizations, provided they are registered in a special military registry.


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