Confirmation of disability in France
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The war in Ukraine causes suffering to all citizens. However, people with disabilities bear a special burden. European countries help refugees to settle in a new place. Therefore, it is extremely important for a person with a disability to know how to confirm their status and what types of social assistance they can receive, for example, in France.
Unfortunately, disability established in Ukraine is not automatically recognized in France, so this status must be confirmed by local authorities.
To confirm your disability in France, you should contact the Maison Départementale pour les Personnes Handicapées (MDPH), where your documents will be reviewed by the Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes handicapées (CDAPH), which is responsible for making decisions or issuing opinions after an assessment by a multidisciplinary team.
What documents are required for this?
The following documents should be submitted to the MDPH first:
- a statement from your family doctor (déclaration du médecin traitant);
- The MDPH questionnaire, which should be completed as accurately as possible, as it serves as the basis for the MDPH interdisciplinary team to evaluate your compensation needs;
- the original medical certificate issued by the attending physician at least 12 months ago;
- an identity document;
- proof of residence for the last 3 months.
Typically, all of these forms can be downloaded from your county's MDPH website. You can find the appropriate page by entering the first two digits of your zip code here:
If your family doctor issues a medical certificate for disability recognition, you should fill out the patient's file yourself. However, it is best to do this with a social worker. You can find such a person at the social service department (Centre communal de l'action sociale, CCAS) of your city hall or at one of the organizations that take care of people with disabilities (assistance sociale / travailleur social). A list of relevant associations can also be found at your municipality's town hall.
An application to the MDPH can be submitted by a person with a disability or his or her legal representative by mail or through online services.
The preliminary review of your case will take about a week, after which you will be informed whether your documents meet all the requirements and whether they will be submitted to the commission (recevabilité).
The full consideration of your case can take 6-8 months, after which, if the decision is positive, the commission determines the percentage of your disability (handicap). It is important not to confuse handicap with invalidité, as the latter is assigned by the social security company (Sécurité sociale), which is independent of the MDPH.
In France, disability is determined by percentage. If this percentage is below 50, then you can work with the status of travailleur handicapé, from 50 to 79% - your handicap is certified, and from 80% - total disability (handicap total) is determined.
Depending on the percentage of disability, your benefits will also be determined. These may include:
- the right to priority service in queues;
- the right to park in special places;
- in some cases, special financial assistance (allocation aux adultes handicapés, AAH);
- the right to receive special means of transportation;
- priority employment in specialized companies;
- a personalized medical support plan that takes into account your wishes, etc.
In any case, disability determination is a lengthy process that requires the cooperation of you, your doctors, and the MDPH committee. The goal is to take into account your characteristics, needs, and wishes as closely as possible and to adapt you to a full life in society.
Useful links:
Website MDPH:
Official website for people with disabilities and their caregivers:
Website Caisse des Allocations Familiales:
Social service website:
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