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Legal assistance on the possibility of applying for a pension supplement as a person injured by ammunition

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During the working visit of DRC lawyers to the village of Hrebenikivka in Sumy region, a resident of the community Kateryna* turned to lawyer Victoria for legal assistance in obtaining assistance in the form of a pension supplement as a person who was injured by shelling.

In March 2022, the area where the woman lived was under constant shelling. She and her husband helped residents of neighboring villages and delivered food. On one of those days, their car came under fire: her husband was killed and Kateryna was seriously injured.

At the time of her application, she was living alone and receiving a minimum pension. Due to the need for constant medical treatment and medicines, she did not have enough money to live on.

The lawyer helped to determine the algorithm of actions and collect the necessary documents, providing administrative support - she sent requests for an extract from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations and a forensic medical examination report, and received a police clearance certificate. As a result, a corresponding application was drawn up to the interdepartmental commission on establishing the fact of injuries or other health damage caused by explosives, ammunition and military weapons and a letter was sent to the commission for a decision.

In May 2024, Kateryna received a positive decision from the commission. Now she will be able to apply to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for a pension transfer, which will allow her to meet her needs.

DRC provides free legal aid in Sumy region with funding from the Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine (HFU).

*Name changed

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